This year’s Marching Band Classic will be on September 21, 2024!
TICKETS: Sell tickets at ticket booth; man the entry gates; distribute programs.
CONCESSIONS: Either work on preparing and serving food, OR be a Concession Cashier.
PARKING: Help set up cones; direct the flow of traffic during the event; direct band busses and trucks to proper parking locations.
FIELD LOGISTICS: Help coordinate the flow of marching band traffic onto, off, and around the field.
BAND GUIDES: Guide specific bands to and from practice areas and field according to schedule; OR, help coordinate band guides and help direct flow of foot traffic (bands and equipment) around our campus.
HOSPITALITY: Help set up and maintain the judges/directors hospitality suite, provide refreshments.
VOLUNTEER COORDINATION: Check in volunteers who have signed up and direct them where to go; manage radios; redirect volunteer help to where needed.
BOOTHS: We have booths for Air+Candygrams; Merchandise; and Bake Sale. Help in these booths (choose an interest).
50/50 SALES: Help sell 50/50 Raffle Tickets, either in the booth or as a walk-around in the stands or around the grounds.
AD SALES / PROGRAM: Need help BEFORE the Classic putting the program together, and going to local businesses to solicit advertisements.
SETUP / TEARDOWN: (pick one or both!) Help set up the area on Saturday morning… set up tables and tents, run electrical/lights, set up signage around the property. After the Classic (around 8:30), help take everything down.
Friends and family are more than welcome to help as well (they only have to be 18 or older to handle money or assist with parking).
If you have questions about any specific position, please reach out to to discuss.