Hello Marching Gaels and Roxbury Sound Families…

I would like to invite everyone to an IMPORTANT parent meeting on our first evening of band camp: Monday, 8/19 at 7:45 pm in the RHS band room. I am asking that every family of a Marching Gael or Roxbury Sound member send at least one representative to attend!!!

At this meeting, we will introduce our BPA leadership and committee heads, answer questions and discuss some VERY important topics related to the success of our fall season. After our meeting, you can feel free to stop in to see the end of the Marching Gaels rehearsal and wait to pick up your students after their first day of band camp (ONLY for Marching Gaels – day at ends at 9 pm).

Until then, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing everyone soon!

~J. Conrad
Director of Bands, RHS

Categories: Happenings