Roxbury High School Band Parents Association – RHSBPA
Welcome to the home page of the Roxbury High School Band Parents Association (RHSBPA). Membership in the RHSBPA includes over 200 families consisting of parents and/or guardians of all students enrolled in any part of the Roxbury High School Band Program. Roxbury Township is a special place. The support for the arts in this community is simply amazing. I would like to thank all of our sponsors for their financial support. I would also like to thank the citizens of Roxbury Township for recognizing the value of the arts and understanding that investing in arts education is an investment in our children, our future.
The mission of the RHSBPA is to provide support and resources to all areas of the Roxbury High School Instrumental Music Program in the form of fundraising, volunteer services and organizational coordination in order to provide students with the best possible educational and performance experiences in music; to provide optimistic and positive support to the Roxbury High School Instrumental Music Department Directors and Staff; and to develop community awareness of, and appreciation for, the efforts and achievements of the students who are members of the Roxbury High School Instrumental Music Program ensembles.
The objectives of the RHSBPA are to support the Roxbury High School band program as sponsored by the Roxbury Board of Education by rendering appropriate support and to conduct the business of the RHSBPA as a charitable and educational corporation consistent with the provisions of Section 501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or corresponding provisions of future laws.
Activities sponsored by the RHSBPA include the Roxbury Marching Band Classic, the Metropolitan Wind Band Invitational and several major fundraising events. All proceeds from these events go directly to support ALL Roxbury Band programs.
The current Officers of the RHSBPA are:
President – Jenn Batsch –
Treasurer – Jerry Tso –
Secretary – Michelle Fullam
Uniforms – Rose Sessa & Sue Szardenings
Website Admin. – Shannon & Michael Venos –
Hospitality – Jenn Batsch & Gen Bodtmann
Merchandise – Carolyn Masi –
Fundraising – Michele Clark –
Band Classic Chair – Jenn Batsch
Logistics – Mike Shadiack & Gerard Sessa
MWBI – Russ Batsch & Michele Fullam
Social Media/Publicity – Isabel Malafronte & Shannon Venos